Coaching Services
Businesses, Groups & Individuals
- Schedule a speaking event
- Discover the value of coaching
- Receive value from the event
- Achieving goals
- Effective Communications
- Powerful Relationships
- Success & Fulfillment
- Meeting Facilitation
- Management & Leadership
- Success Techniques & Styles
- Coworkers & direct reports
- Diverse groups & individuals
- Effective Communications
- What was said & what was heard
- Written, Verbal & Listening techniques
- Project Scheduling
- Agressive, realistic schedules
- Acheive Time-to-Market goals
- Manage schedule slippage
Crisis Management & Problem Solving
- Think outside the box
- Properly define crisis or problem
- Create effective solutions
- Discover opportunity
- Common interests, issues & goals
- Special requests
- Workshops, Speaking, etc.
- Passions, Values, Goals, Dreams
- Focus, Commitment, Intention
- Success & Fulfillment
- Relationships
- Health & Well Being
Focus Calls
- Short, Intentional, Focused
- Any single or recurring event
- Meetings, Presentations, Workshops
- Speaking, Interviews, Dates, etc.
- Set Goals, Outcomes, Value to others